Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Ministers Black Veil

Hawthorne presents the lesson that people should reveal their true selves and not judge others on superficial qualitlies by having some of the characters in the short story try to take off Mr. Hoopers veil or have him take the veil off himself. They're trying to get him to be himself and tell him that he doesn't need to hide. He uses the quote, "When a friend shows his inmost heart to a friend; the lover is best beloved" to show that you will be excepted for showing your true self to others and that there is no reason to hide who you are.
A life lesson that is important to me is listening to my parents when they tell me things to do and not to. I learned this lesson the hard way when I didn't listen to my dad when he was looking out for my safety. I ended up having to go to the emergency room and I had to get several stitches in my knee. In the summer of 2009 we put in an inground pool. Since it rained almost every day that summer., the whole process took three months. After two months the pool was in and swimable, but the decking around it wasn't. Around the pool was all metal and then dirt where the decking was going to be put. I was getting ready to go swimming and to avoid stepping on the dirt I walked on the metal edge of the pool. My dad had specifically told me days prior not to walk on the metal. I thought if I was careful I'd be fine. I didn't realize that it was wet so I ended up slipping and slicing my knee open. That's how I got the stitches. Listening to your parents is very important because most of the time they are looking out for you and they know what's best for you. They're advice can be very helpful and if I had listened to my dad in the first place, I wouldn't have a big scar on my knee and nerve damage that is going to effect me for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Responsibility is being accountable for your actions. It is also being trustworthy and reliable. Responsibility should occur often like when your driving or during school. Everyone should be responsible at all times. I think that I am responsible whenever I babysit my little cousins. Whenever we play a game or take out toys I always make sure we clean it up after instead of leaving a mess for my aunt and uncle to clean up. This past weekend when I was babysitting them, my aunt told the boys they had to go to bed at 8 o'clock. I felt that I was being responsible because I had them in bed at 8 like my aunt said. Even though they were begging to stay up later with me and their sister, I still got them to bed at 8. I like babysitting my little cousins and being responsible is important so my aunt and uncle can count on me when babysitting thier kids.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

2nd Rough Draft

In the "Sinners of the Hands of an Angry God," Jonathan Edwards uses persuavise language to represent that God is powerful. He uses the words flood and water figuratively when he is speaking about vengence to represent God's power. Jonathan Edwards uses figurative language to show that humans cannot control floods, but God has the power to do so. He is also showing how great God's power is. As much as they cannot control floods and water they also cannot control Gods vengence. The sinner believes that his fate is completely in God's hands. The sinner believes that God has the decision to deliever the punishment or not, just like he has the ability to control floods and water.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Rough Draft

The quote I chose shows that God is understanding and will hold back on punishment when you realize what you did wrong and feel guilty. God is holding back from delivering his punishement. He is doing this because the person feels very guilty and God is taking pleasure in it so he decides not to deliver the punishment. To show that God has power, he uses the words flood and water. These words are taken figuratively. Also, God is controlling his power by using the words withheld and holds back. These words represent him controlling his power and deciding when to use it. The person realized what he did was wrong and felt guitly so with Gods controlling powers he decided to get rd of his punishment.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Quotation Analysis Assignment

"the floods of God's vengeance have been withheld; but your gulit in the meantime is constantly increasing, and there is nothing but the mere pleasure of God, that holds the waters back."- Jonathan Edwards, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
God is holding back from delivering punishement. You continue to feel guilt and God takes pleasure in that so he holds back the punishment.
The words flood and water are taken figuratively. The water represents Gods has power.
Withheld and holding back represents God controlling his power and deciding when to release it.
Topic sentence- The quote I chose shows that God is understanding and will hold back on punishment when you realize what you did wrong and feel guilty

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"City Upon A Hill"

According to the Puritans, what made up a Utopian society was them being free from sin, pain, and guilt. Also a place where they could practice their faith freely. John Winthrop suggest that they should have a story made and a by-word through the world.  I think that it isn't possible for this kind of society to exist today because nobody and nothing is ever perfect. I think that a Utopian society would be a perfect society with no mistakes or anything, but I don't think that this society would be an ideal reality because everyone makes mistakes at one point in thier life and nobody is perfect.